Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Guest list: Zorro Garcia . Worst Team Nicknames

Inherent to most males in my life is an amazing amount of football knowledge (American football, in case that makes a difference). How you know about stats for pro, college and local football teams is beyond me, but not for these guys. Today's guest blogger is a life-long football fan, player and coach - my dad. For the first time in lickity list history, we present a sports list...and feel free to laugh aloud as I did.

Worst Team Nicknames
10. Stetson University Hatters
9. Arkansas Tech Wonderboys
8. Webster University Gorlocks
7. St. Louis University Billikins
6. UC Irvine Anteaters
5. Arkansas- Monticello Boll Weevils
4. Washburn University Ichabods
3. Scottsdale Community College Fighting Artichokes
2. UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs
1. Rhode Island School of Design Nads

* Oh, in case the whole Zorro Garcia pseudonym doesn't make sense: My grandparents allowed their first 2 sons to name their 3rd and 4th sons. The eldest son, Guy, named the 3rd son James Dodd (apparently after the adult Mickey Mousekeeter and my grandparents weren't keen to the fact that it was a TV celebrity name). My dad, being of great imagination and little wit, choose to name the 4th born Zorro Garcia - after Zorro and Agent Garcia off the ever popular Zorro fame. Of course my grandparents picked up on inspiration for this name quite quickly and vetoed immediately. Poor Bernie (my dad) is still not over the snub and has since resurrected the name...Viva Zorro!

True story.


  1. Wow! The boll weevils? You have got to be kidding me. I also like the Fighting Artichokes.

  2. What about the Thundering Herd from Marshall University in West Virginia? I once stayed at Marshall for a week. I still think of all that manure.

  3. Hahaha! I remember cheering for the Nads. We always wondered how they could get away with it, but it was an art school, after all.


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