Sunday, January 3, 2010

...and we're back!

I know, I know. I just abandon my post (and posting) for the last month without even a simple 'Happy Holiday' or 'Merry New Year' and I better have an awesome post to make up for it. Well, I don't tonight. Actually, I was making lists like crazy over the holidays (mundane to-do lists that I wasn't going to drag you all down with, but I was still flexing my list-making muscles during my sabbatical).

And...I got published over the holidays, though I had nothing to do with it. My awesome gift-giver of a husband worked with designer/our friend Todd to compile and publish a book of my photojourna.list posts as a gift to me. They did a fantastic job and it was the best gift...ever. Feel free to preview the book here. And a belated 'Happy Holiday' and 'Happy New Year' to anyone still checking in!

[Update . 01/04/10: I feel less bad. I got caught up on my blogs of interest today and it was like watching Passions (the late daytime soap) - you could have watched one episode every few weeks and didn't really miss out on any story line. Cheers to the other slackers.]

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome present. And the photos look amazing too. Very cool.


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