Sunday, December 19, 2010

Indio . Month 4

This month Indio found his voice. In a veritable symphony of gurgles, cools, shrieks* and raspberries he really flexed his vocals, much to our delight. It truly amazes me how the slightest variation in these vocalizations signal different needs that Daniel and I are starting to get better at deciphering.
Indio is particularly adept at shrieking in my left ear so please tell me things of great importance in my right ear.
Beyond the variations of hoots and howls -- and an amazing production of drool -- tummy time is another area of great progress this month. Mere minutes on his tummy last month have stretched out to 15 minutes or more at a time this month. Positioned on his stomach affords him a much better view of his surroundings,
especially of the cats that have recently caught his attention...yes, the poor cats that will probably be tormented by this little boy in the not-so-distant future.

His stats:
Weight: 18.1 lbs according to Wii Fit (Dr. appointment hadn't occurred before we 'went to press' for this month's official standings)

Momma loves: His smile still melts my heart, especially when he gets up in the morning and he flashes his big smile in preparation of being scooped up to start his day.

Da Da loves: This cute little sigh he wraps coughs up with. It goes a little something like *cough*cough*cough*huuuuuh*. It just cannot be adequately captured in this medium, but trust that it is adorable.

* One night he discovered the shriek and was doing it all evening. Here is a video from that night which I can't help but play repeatedly (I am his momma, after all) and crack up at how crazy he looks. A note of caution: the sound is of a baby making high-pitched squeals, so turn down your speakers if you are watching this at work (tsk, tsk...just kidding)


  1. Oh Indio! He just makes me melt. And wow, he really does sleep just like his momma!!

  2. Darling. Love the pics with you and Indio and Dan and Indio. I can't wait for him to meet his pal Fin.


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