Friday, October 16, 2009

A collection of fortunes

Ahhh, the fortune cookie. Sometime you crack the cookie and you actually get a fortune...but mostly you just get a random expression, a few lucky numbers and a lesson in Chinese vocabulary on the reverse side. Over the last year I have been saving all my sweet treat paper wisdom (actual fortunes below, click for a bigger picture) so that I may reflect on all knowledge offered up...which hasn't amounted to much so far. Maybe the most I've learned after gathering them all up is that they can be sorted pretty quickly into the following categories:

The personality slip. Forget personality tests or someone who knows you really well, these little slips of paper have divined everything you are and boiled it down to a one-liner.

Advice column. Somewhere they have someone cranking these slips of paper out. In the following cases I think they just took newspaper columns, found the phrase that summed up the article and called it a day.

Motherly advice. Not only are these not fortunes, but they give unsolicited advice with a deadline suggestion.

Actual fortunes. The fortune cookie that 'predicts' a small part of your future.

The WTH? fortune. Perhaps my favorite fortune to date. Not too ambitious, know...think about a movie this weekend.

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