Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The other side of the tracks*

Curiouser and curiouser** indeed. This weekend I noticed our backyard was laced with tracks in the snow that very clearly did not belong to a dog or cat, the common yard guests of our neighborhood. I have stared at the tracks and cannot figure out how our mystery guest traversed the lawn or even how it got out of the fenced-in portion (the tracks stop at the gate, which is closed). Like a dummy, though, instead of getting photographic evidence of the tracks when they were somewhat fresh, I waited until it warmed to a balmy 30 F and the snow had thinned before snapping some shots.

Above: These tracks are several feet apart, taken from the balcony. I should have put a quarter down so you could get a sense of magnitude. Below: The tracks are (obviously) very close together and don't continue on the other side of the gate, but also don't seem to backtrack...

I have theories on the matter, none of which are too likely:

1) It was a forest god from one of Miyazaki's films that slowly grazes across suburban lawns in the middle of winter, slipping in and out of reality. Likely with the body of a moose and face of a baboon. The nerd factor is strong with this one, I think we all recognize that.

2) The kids across the street got stilts (for Christmas) with the bottoms carved out like hooves. They were frolicking through the neighborhood and easily hopped over the fence to get to their house.

3) It was a deer. The gate had blown open and the deer exited through the gate and the gate later blew shut. I guess this one is likely, but boring.
Let the conspiracy theories begin.

*I am keeping the post date as the original post date - since that is when I wrote it. Unfortunately our photo editor really held things up around here and the post has been delayed for over a week. If you are concerned with the fact that I am blaming myself in a weird 3rd party, multiple persona way, rest assured that I am also worried.

** For those keeping track: this is the second time this week I've quoted Lewis Caroll. How literary of me.


  1. This is the creepiest post ever. I have chills (yes, they are multiplying) and would be SO freaked out if that was in my backyard. not saying you should be scared or anything...

  2. My theory: A bunny rabbit was hopping around and then a hawk suddenly swooped down and flew off with him.


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