Monday, February 8, 2010

Eagle Days Revised - taking out the milquetoast

A few of my loyal readers (ummm, so really just my husband and sister) confided that my last post on Eagle Days was a bit milquetoast. Where were the pictures? Where was text that didn't sound like it was plagiarized from a 3rd-rate travel website? Never one to settle with mediocrity - or at least this time I decided not to settle - I have come to re-write my wrongs. Don't misunderstand: the writing won't magically get any better, but I do have more pictures.

We've got eagles!



...and small towns.

Clockwise from top left: Clarksville V.F.W.; Clarksville looking up one of the main streets; Elsberry - home of Unk's Bait, Tackle and Liquor; Elsberry commercial strip.

And one more thing: in the small burg of Elsberry, this small town girl (Mexico, MO: population 12,000) got made fun of by even smaller town people. Go figure. Daniel stopped in at Unk's Bait, Tackle and Liquor (because what else do you need?) and I decided to snap a few pictures of the immediate surroundings. I look up and see a face staring out at me from inside of Unk's clearly talking to an unseen person behind them. When Daniel came out he gave the full scoop that they were in fact trying to figure out what the hell I was taking pictures of.

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