Friday, January 18, 2008

Guest list: Apocalyse . Things That Give Me the Heebie-Jeebies.

Dear reader, I'm just going to say if you do see my sister on the street, please refrain from throwing raw meat on her. It is mean and probably won't be that funny.
I can deal with most "scary" things. For example, I love zombies and all things dead or undead. However, confront me with any of the following things, and I completely freeze up or freak out.

Raw meat

Years of vegetarianism (granted it was off and on) probably aided in my disgust of raw meat. I don't trust my cooking skills enough to think I have cooked out anything dangerous to make raw meat safe for consumption. I am trying though, and one day I won't give boneless, skinless chicken breasts the eyebrow raise. Just even typing that out gave me the chills.


These things have way too much armor to make me feel okay about them creeping and crawling around in the dark corners. One of the scariest moments of my life is when I was taking a bucket shower in Nicaragua and realized a giant scorpion was on my shower wall. I couldn't leave the shower until I was totally rinsed off because I had tumeric, onion peels and neem leaves all over me from an herbal treatment I made for scabies. Yeah, I thought I had scabies. So it was a terrifying combination of not wanting to take my eyes off the scorpion but not wanting to remember it was there in the first place.


Seriously, have you ever really looked at these things!? I have because it is part of my job, and let me tell you, they creep me out. Seriously. They are some of the oldest plants evolutionarily speaking, and I am so glad plants evolved to more sophisticated (and visually appeasing) means of pollination/sex.

People in masks

I just realized this is one of my biggest bone chilling situations. I don't know why exactly, but if I can't see your eyebrows or mouth, I get really uncomfortable. It seems to be better if I am also in a mask, but at the same time, I don't like to wear masks. So there you go.


  1. I am totally making a raw meat mask for you!

  2. I would seriously cry if I saw you wearing a raw meat mask!


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