Monday, June 16, 2008

(Nine) Course work

As another round of Top Chef comes to a close, I sit and wait patiently for them to finally ask me to be a judge for next season (I would never let a certain someone make it to the final round based on what I saw). I would even settle with a guest stint on Iron Chef America - anything that would allow me to try all those fantastically complex dishes with phenomenal presentation. Until I get booked on one of those shows (note to self: get an agent tomorrow) I must join the commoners that have to pay for the privilege of a tasting menu. The tasting menu I had this week at Providence was a privilege indeed and I present to you a fuzzy recollection of the 9+ courses we indulged in.

Amuse bouche
Gin and tonic gelee, activated with a lime juice
Mojito Raviolo
A shot of Fennel soup

Course 1 - Snapper
Snapper sashimi with sour plum reduction and segments and a granita. Delicious - perhaps the best course of the night and definitely a wonderful way to start the night. I finished this quickly and found myself wanting more - lots more.

Course 2 - Scallop
I have never been a fan of scallops and I now know it was because I never had a scallop like this. Cooked to perfection and paired with asparagus, an almond infusion and a sauce that I can only guess was a sherry reduction - only because sherry was listed on this course and I don't know where else it was hidden.

Course 3 - Calamari
Calamari two ways - fried and sauteed. I thought the presentation was clever with the lightly cooked calamari sitting on a bed of cooked tomatoes with the fried calamari as garnish - as a play on spaghetti with sauce.

Course 4 - Halibut
Halibut in a lemon butter sauce, goji nuts, a vegetable puree and a squash flower. The goji nuts were a mystery - a soft texture with a bit of nutty bitterness - like if when you cooked a nut it actually got soft.

Course 5 - Salmon
Lightly cooked salmon with mushrooms and cinnamon espuma. Garnished with fried salmon skin.

Course 6 - Veal
Veal medallion with a jus sauce, sweet corn and perhaps mushrooms...the specifics of this course escape me.

Course 7 - Cheese tasting
A selection of cheeses are presented by the server and you choose which cheeses you wish to taste. Read that again cheese lovers and let it sink in...
We selected six different cheeses and during the preparation of the cheese plate by our server, the Chef came out and suggested another cheese he thought would pair well. If I could remember all the cheeses I would wax poetic on each of them, but I can't. What I can tell you is hands down my favorite what a thick, almost chalky (as described by our server) goat cheese that was heavenly. Plated with our spread of fromage was an olive marmalade, an apple chutney, figs and candied walnuts.

Course 8 - Dessert
Pineapple sorbet on top of avocado and banana puree sprinkled with freeze dried bananas chips. I know what you are thinking - the flavors would just mush together and not compliment each other...not so, my friend.

Course 9 - Dessert
Blackberries with blue corn tortilla streusel and corn tortilla ice cream garnished with candied jalapeno. Outrageously different, but so delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds crazy good. ;) I updated my blog too -alyse


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