Friday, June 13, 2008

A Touch of Paraskavedekatriaphobia

For those of you who don't know: Today is June 13th and it is a Friday. As a kid, these were days of dedicated paranoia (and a slight bit of excitement) as I was sure tragic and mysterious events lurked around every corner. Even as an adult when I do happen to notice a Friday the 13th it commands a certain (albeit very small) amount of my respect - no one wants an ironic Friday the 13th. To make matters worse, there are things I definitely can't do today just because it may tempt the Fates...
  • Walk under a ladder
  • Cross paths with a black cat
  • Open an umbrella in the house
  • Break a mirror

1 comment:

  1. Friday the 13th struck down on me! I got locked in the deep freeze on accident and the emergency release lever was frozen! Luckily my super human strength kicked in and I made it out alive. The fates were just testing me...


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