Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009 - Inauguration Day

Let this inaugural day be a promising day of firsts and the first day of a new start in political America. This campaign, as it has been pointed out by pundits far more knowledgeable about campaigns past and present, has created a lot of firsts. I will say that for me personally this campaign has been about firsts:

-I have never actively participated in a presidential campaign until 2008. Both Daniel and I hit the pavement on The Loop in St. Louis to register people to vote.

-I have never set the alarm to be at the polling place 30 minutes before it opened until November 4, 2008. It still took 1.5 hours to vote after the polls opened (a fairly decent amount of time given that some places in St. Louis were over 5 hours).

-I have never joined a throng of people (estimated at 80,000-100,000 strong) to see a political candidate speak until October 18, 2008. Despite being so far back we couldn't even make out the big TVs, but we could hear and we were there.


  1. On my computer the two Arch pictures look like the could connect. Very nicely done

  2. thank you, thank you - I actually meant for that to happen! At first, I had the crowd picture only and then saw the top Arch picture and thought it would give a better reference for the crowd picture. I love it when a plan comes together.

  3. Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that, in the past, I have always been politically uninvolved. 2008 changed that. Okay, so I didn't go out and register voters at the Valencia Town Center or get to a voting booth early but I did mail in my vote and I joined throngs of fellow Americans ... in DVRing the entire coverage of the inauguration (in HD, playas). It's interesting just days earlier, you posted a list of eponymous laws about incompetence, ineptitude, and general weak-saucedness. Hopefully, that entry does not serve to foreshadow the Obama presidency.

  4. The Obama post vs. the laws of incompetence was all about juxtaposition, my friend.


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