Friday, October 2, 2009

Review: Fantastic eats in Los Angeles

As mentioned in a previous post, I was out in Los Angeles last week. This explains why I fell off the face of the blogging earth for just a bit and why the next few posts will be so L.A.-centric. I won't drag you down with minutia, but I just want to note a few fantastic meals we had with friends during the three new-to us-places*. Oh, and if posts about bourgeois eateries stresses you out, fills you with rage or makes you physically sick, then stop reading right now.

1) Bottega Louie . Downtown L.A.
Normally we don't venture into the downtown area, but it became a destination now that two of our good friends call it home. They suggested we walk the 4 blocks over to Bottega Louie for dinner noting the place was good, inexpensive and attracted all manner of dress (so we could go as we were.) We agreed knowing these friends wouldn't lead us astray and set off. Bottega Louie is one part restaurant, one part deli and one part marketplace. The austere white of the floors, walls and ceilings is counterbalanced by the ornate and traditional Italian stylings of the restaurant furniture. The real reason to go is, of course, the food - we selected a clam pizza (wood oven pizza with thin crust) and 4 small plates: beets and goat cheese salad, portabello fries, beef carpaccio and peas with prosciutto. All were fantastically delicious and enough for our table of 4. The only drawback to this establishment is the noise - don't go for the intimate conversation, but rather if you want to be able to completely ignore the rest of your dinner party and have a good excuse...wait, were they trying to tell me something?

2) Bashan . Montrose/Glendale
Our fellow foodie friends and gracious hosts not only put up with us for a full work-week while we threatened to spread whatever cold/allergy/nastiness we had developed, but went out on the town with us for food and drink during the week (these people are troopers, I tell ya). One night we ventured a bit north to the Glendale/Montrose area to hit up a cozy restaurant, Bashan. Much to our dining delight, the restaurant's 5 course tasting menu was special price (on sale!) in honor of their 2 year anniversary - so we had to go for it. I would detail all the courses for you, but I get the distinct feeling eyes would glaze over and the rest of this paragraph would be skipped. Let's just highlight the fact that the ladies had sweetbreads as their main and the guys wimped out and had the pork belly. My favorite course was the scallops - I could definitely go back for more.

3) Saam Tasting Room . Beverly Hills
Positively mind-blowing. The tasting room sits as a completely separate room within the chambers of Bazaar, the restaurant/bar/gift shop found in the SLS Hotel. Walking into the place is sensory overload. Large back lit and digital videos are spread throughout the main dining area and command your attention quickly. After the initial tunnel vision, I noticed the large display cases with merchandise to the right - it turns out it is the hotel "gift shop" stocked with items from non-other than legendary design boutique, Moss, and collectible toy store, Kid Robot. After perusing items from the shop - anything from glass vases, reprinted paparazzi photos, gargantuan semi-precious stone rings and whips (yes, whips) - we were shown to the tasting room to begin our 22 course meal. I know, scoff or drop your jaw right now. How can 22 courses be done - or enjoyable? I don't know, but it was... [course list here]

*To my Din Tai Fung people, not dissing the awesome meal with you all. It is that I mentioned it the last time we were out in L.A.

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