Sunday, September 19, 2010

Indio . Month 1

At the risk of sounding like every grownup on the face of the earth: "They grow up so fast." But, really, they do. One month down of being a parent and already it has been both wonderful and challenging. Who knew a little thing could come into your life, pee on you (repeatedly) and it wouldn't be a big deal. Okay, at 4 AM it seems like a big deal.
We are slowly learning that bath time requires two to three nimble adults, that getting up multiple times through the night is doable and my fear of 'breaking the baby' was, perhaps, irrational. Especially when you have a baby this big and robust.

His stats:
Weight: 12 lbs., 11 oz. (98th percentile for his age)
Height: 21.65 inches ( 50th percentile for his age)

Momma loves: The cute little face he makes when he's had his fill of milk - he juts out his chin, sticks his lips out (more than normal) and he puts his palm out, a la 'talk to the hand'. So . stinkin' . cute.

Da Da loves: The Indio Special and the bicycle kicks during diaper changes.

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