Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Photojourna.list: Fall Family Fiesta

A few weekends ago we hosted our first family dinner* and it was a great evening of catching up with the family over food and drinks and introducing Indio to all of his second cousins. I must share this one antecdote from the evening - this is roughly what I overheard at one point during the night and it sounds like it came straight from the TV show Modern Family, which I adore.

A small group gathers around the baby monitor when Indio starts waking up from his mid-evening nap he so desperately needed. The camera monitor has night vision, so the colors are reversed black and white. My mom (Marquita) goes in to soothe Indio as he gets up and 16 year old Chloe converses with her mom, Talisa:

Chloe: Oh my god, what's going on with Marquita's hair? It's white! What's going on, the colors are so weird. Oh my god. Look at Mia, she looks so weird! What's going on?!?!

Talisa: Chill out, Chloe, they will come back down normal. It's just the monitor.

*To be correct, partial family dinner. My mom comes from a large family and our house just isn't big enough for the whole she-bang without having outdoors as an option.

Top: Hanging out in the dining room. Middle (L to R): Mia at the drink station, luminarias out front for a festive feel, Cary waxing poetic. Bottom: Feeding frenzy in the kitchen.

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