Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wish.list: Japanese Toys and Tech!

I sometimes lose myself looking at Japanese toys and gadgets on the interwebs. There are some truly absurd and amazing trinkets out there, making for a wellspring of gifts, from quirky to astonishing. Here are some favorites.

[ichi] finger tentacles . thinkgeek
Go ahead, freak people out with these things.

[ni] Poking Box . gizmine
You can fight a little karate stick figure guy with your digital digit, c'mon! 

[san] Lumindot . Japan Gadget Shop
Like the old school Lite-Bright but waaaay better. Seriously, watch the video.

[shi] Electric Butterfly . Japan Gadget Shop

[go] Solar pet bottle car . japan trend shop
Got to get a cool shaped bottle, I suggest Ito En.

This gift guide brought to you by our friend, plasticblog. He can probably count to ten in Japanese.


  1. Tokyo is the new Williamsburg.

  2. They have those electric butterfly (and an electric firefly) at Big Lots of all places! They really really really really look like a real butterfly in a mason jar. It even reacts when you tap the jar lid! Freaked me out a bit, not going to lie!


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