Saturday, November 2, 2013

Elan . Month 1

You are the second son and will always be compared to your older brother. Based on Indio's performances a set of expectations are in place that he must always live up to. Although others might expect it, you are not bound to meet his expectations, but rather you are free to be you. However, you may be labeled "day and night" which is not stigmatizing since you don't know who is day and who is night.
--The Book of Bernard, Second Son Society
This has been a month of comparisons - from birth our little Elan has constantly been compared to his older brother Indio. Pobrecito second child. He hadn't even been bathed or weighed before the comparisons starting flowing and I swear he seemed to give a disgruntled squeal at each comparison. 
But let's not feel too bad for our post's protagonist: he has settled in quite nicely during this first month. Having been on the smaller side at birth (20% for his weight) he seems to have feedings down and has dined magnificently on milk, gaining 4.5 lbs and surprising everyone at his one month doctor visit by his new weight class. He has also enjoyed lots of snuggle time from aunts, uncles, grandparents, Momma, DaDa and great-grandma Bubba. He prefers to be held or perched in his swing for his naps, but has done wonderfully in his crib during the night. Daniel and I fully realize this model baby behavior is rare and usually short-lived. We will take it as long as we can get it and be thankful for another beautiful son.

His stats:
Weight: 11 lbs., 2.5 oz. (75th percentile for his age)
Height: 21.34 inches ( 34th percentile for his age)

Momma loves: His half-smile (an adorable little smirk, really) he does while in a state of milk bliss. I know it is probably just gas, but I choose to believe it is a real smile.

Da Da loves
: Elan's amazing ability to sleep through anything - including (and mostly) his brother's war cries.

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