Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Linked list: 2009 St. Louis Int'l Film Festival

The film 'Up in the Air' was shot in various locations in St. Louis earlier this year. You already know this if you live in, near or anywhere remotely around St. Louis as the whereabouts of Clooney were reported with zeal, thousands of people showed up to be cast as extras and anything to do with the production was referred to as 'the film.' In short, St. Louis (and I would venture to say Missouri as a whole) embraces its film industry - of course the attention and economic factors don't hurt either. The upcoming 2009 St. Louis International Film Festival has a selection of films shot primarily in Missouri that are designated as Show-Me Cinema (although the 'Captain Obvious' in me wants to point out the films hail from lands far and wide, as the festival name implies.) During this 10 day film festival 'Up in the Air' makes the cut, but here is the complete panel of Show-Me Cinema:

Albino Farm
Almost a Legend
Cat City
Edgar Allan Poe’s Ligeia
Game of the Year
How I Got Lost
Just Shy of Being
Old Dog, New Trick
Ride With the Devil: Director’s Cut
The Rink
Saving Grace B. Jones
Up in the Air
Under Still Waters

Who doesn't like to see their stomping grounds on the silver screen? I am excited to watch for familiar Missouri locales in some of these movies just as I love recognizing locations from our time in Los Angeles (a much easier feat). For St. Louisians reading this, check out the film fest site for the full line-up and schedule (November 12-22).

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